Some new content - V0.8.2

This update is not a major one by any means, but it adds a little bit of new content. Hopefully it will also make the game a little easier!

----- V0.8.2 CHANGELOG -----

- Added the Protein Bar item

- Added the Tinfoil item

- Adjusted the text in some of the attendance books to include more hints for dialogue scenarios

- Decreased AES's starting isolation time to 8 seconds

- Replaced several of the vending machines in the main map, added two more, and removed one

- Added a new structure in the student building

- Added a way to view what keys you currently have

- Added a gate structure by where Bubbles spawns to prevent the player from being able to immediately escape from Bubbles even without the bone if they had a powerful item

- Fixed a possible issue where "Vincent" could appear as just his head during the beginning of Thursday

- Fixed an issue with the door to the Auditorium unlocking in very specific scenarios

- Fixed there being two "List of Objects: Volume 4" books

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