Android Support & V0.3.2

Cleartil Boarding School is now supported on Android!

Although it can run on Android, keep in mind I am not a mobile developer, so the controls may be a bit strange and the loading times may be a bit long.

----- V0.3.2 CHANGE LOG -----

-Fixed the study center being marked as a place characters could wander to on Monday

-Fixed Cleartil not knowing what room the player was in if he saw the player, and the player went into a different room while he was still trying to get to where the player last was

-Added the fact that the player is slowed down when carrying more items in the "How To Run From Danger" book in the library

-Added a 1 second cooldown for opening books

-The player can no longer open an assignment while experiencing Party Popper's bounce effect

-Fixed the player's footsteps and stamina icon breaking if the player used two clocks

-Fixed the railing for the roof staircase disappearing

-Repositioned the library books

-Fixed Fames not having a book in the library

-Lowered the volume of Party Popper's popping sound effect

-Lowered the volume of the school music

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