
The past few updates have been basically all bug fixes, but this one adds some new items!

----- V0.3.4 CHANGELOG -----

-Decreased the range of the mobile controls towards the center of the screen

-Items can no longer be used while walking on mobile to prevent items from being accidentally used

-Fixed Shade (Monday) not disappearing after running away from the player

-Increased the range of where you can hear Cleartil's footsteps

-Made Shade's dialogue bold

-Cleartil's speed is now doubled once the player finishes all assignments, and he no longer should be able to speak to the player through the wall at that time as well

-Cleartil can no longer be walked through during his "nice" state

-Decreased Cleartil's speed when stepping forward by roughly 8%

-Decreased "Vincent"'s base duration of the player carrying his art supplies to 1 minute

-Rephrased one of the assignment questions on Monday due to it being unclear

-Books can now be exited on Windows, Mac, and Linux by pressing the escape key

-Fixed a typo in Spelling Bee's library book

-Fixed characters being able to walk on the tables in the cafeteria

-Fixed the camera item not working under certain circumstances

-Added an invisible wall in one of the storage rooms on the first floor

-Adjusted the vending machine sound effect

-Added the Extendo-Hand item

-Added the Star Sticker item

-Added the Lock item

-Added the "List of Objects Volume 4" book in the library

-Added/replaced a few items in the main map for Monday

-Fixed the greenhouse exit door breaking and not letting the player leave

-Fixed some windows causing issues with raycasting

Get Cleartil Boarding School

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