Tuesday & V0.4

Hello! Tuesday is here! (Along with some bug fixes and adjustments, of course)

----- V0.4 CHANGELOG -----

-Added Tuesday

-Added a sound effect for using the lock item

-Attempted to fix certain characters becoming stuck sometimes

-A star icon now appears by the backpack to indicate when the Star Sticker's effect is active

-Fixed one of Shade's successful dialogue routes not saving the info about the dialogue

-Slightly improved skybox textures

-Attempted to fix the clock item being positioned strangely sometimes

-Cleartil now adds that if the player needs help they should visit the library on the 3rd floor at the beginning of Monday

-Spelling Bee and "Vincent" no longer can begin a minigame with the player while the player is moving to another room, causing the minigame to instantly cancel

-"Vincent" now will not stop the player if they are holding a pencil, and instead take the pencil and go on cooldown

-Decreased Spelling Bee's cooldown for the player by 15 seconds

-Spelling Bee now lets the player go if they enter the wrong letters too many times

-Reworded Spelling Bee's minigame directions to be more clear

-Spelling Bee's minigame keyboard is now in QWERTY format

-Cleartil now appears behind the player once they finish all assignments instead of the player having to wait for Cleartil to find them

-Attempted to fix Cleartil becoming stuck in rare cases

-Revamped how audio is handled on different floors

Get Cleartil Boarding School

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