Wednesday & V0.5

Hello! I finally completed Wednesday, which serves to be a bit more interesting than Monday and Tuesday. There are a few new mechanics/characters introduced, and the day is affected by the player's choices on Monday and Tuesday. Not to mention bug fixes and adjustments, of course.

----- V0.5 CHANGELOG -----

-Added Wednesday

-Added a new character, The Servant / Vultus Dei

-Finished the appearance of the Gallery

-Fixed some item sprites being blurry

-The "fog" now turns black when entering Afterimage's room

-Attempted to decrease load times

-Added a warning screen

-Updated the credits menu

-Fixed a potential issue where entering the Regret Room on Tuesday may cause specific doors to randomly unlock

-Increased Cleartil's step delay for all days (he's slower)

-Added an extra 5 seconds to Urk's "see time"

-Reduced the school day duration to 20 minutes

-Fixed an issue where Shade would stand still and do nothing forever under certain circumstances

-Fixed AES usually not punishing the player for being outside or being in a staff only room

-Fixed the door locking behind the player once they entered the Gallery, causing the player to become stuck forever

-Bubbles now specifically wanders near the court yard

Get Cleartil Boarding School

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