
Hello! This update will likely be the last one before V0.5, the update with Wednesday. Although, please keep in mind that progress on Wednesday has not been started yet, so it still might take a while.

----- V0.4.1 CHANGELOG -----

-Attempted to fix Shade yelping multiple times if someone went near her once

-Attempted to fix Shade's scream sound restarting repeatedly during her panicked state

-Attempted to fix the Star Sticker's effect only half speeding up the player when used with the Clock

-Fixed several typos and repeat questions in Tuesday's assignments. Also reworded some questions to be more clear

-The enter key can now be used to submit assignment questions

-Added invisible walls to one of the storage rooms on the 2nd floor

-Attempted to fix the player being able to start dialogue if the camera's current position could not see the dialogue bubble

-Fixed certain dialogue paths with Party Popper (Tuesday) not having the text disappear when the dialogue bubble faded away

-Added the save slot system, currently there are 24 slots

-Fixed the player's step sounds and step icon behaving abnormally when the room the player is in is paused (again)

-The apple item's duration has been increased to 90 seconds, it can now heal at maximum 36% health, and it also has up to an extra 30 seconds of duration when first used until that time has passed OR the player's health decreases

-Attempted to fix Cleartil becoming stuck under certain circumstances (again)

-The Extendo-Hand item can now pick up keys

Get Cleartil Boarding School

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